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Tandem coral and human Jule.jpg


She is right

I AM THE VIRUS is an ongoing multi-layered series.

I spontaneously asked people to take a picture with a sign around their neck that had the phrase I AM THE VIRUS written on it and how they felt about the phrase. My intention is to use the attention of the current pandemic (that no individual can be blamed for) to highlight the fact that we as human beings are acting like a virus for our environment.

"She is right" is part of the ongoing series "I am the Virus". The composition combines the dying of the corals with a slogan from the Fridays for Future movement. The composition was put together from my own photographs.

2 degrees Celsius are too much. Later is too late. A lot of negative impacts due to climate change have already become visible in almost everybody's backyard. However, some are hidden for most eyes, that makes it even more important to highlight those consequences like coral bleaching.

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